This category special caters those who wants the most unusual and yet, the tastiest of meats. Why not be adventurous once and try what other choosy eaters have been enjoying?
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#10. Rare Steak, Flank, Tendon, Tripe, and Brisket (Phở Tái, Nam, Gâu, Gân, Sách)

#10. Rare Steak, Flank, Tendon, Tripe, and Brisket (Phở Tái, Nam, Gâu, Gân, Sách)


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#10. Well-Done Flank, Tendon, Brisket, and Tripe (Phở Chín Nạm Gân Sách)

#10. Well-Done Flank, Tendon, Brisket, and Tripe (Phở Chín Nạm Gân Sách)

Please ensure your soup is boiling hot before eating from then-chief!


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#14. Chicken Noodle Soup (Phó Ga)

Please ensure your soup is boiling hot before eating from then-chief!


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#9. Brisket, Flank, Tendon, and Crunchy Flank (Phở Nam, Gâu, Gân, vè Dòn)

#9. Brisket, Flank, Tendon, and Crunchy Flank (Phở Nam, Gâu, Gân, vè Dòn)


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#11. Rare Steak, Flank, and Tendon Noodle Soup (Phó Tái, Nam, Gân)

#11. Rare Steak, Flank, and Tendon Noodle Soup (Phó Tái, Nam, Gân)


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#17. Chicken Balls Noodle Soup (Phó Gà Viên)

#17. Chicken Balls Noodle Soup (Phó Gà Viên)


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#16. Vegetable Noodle Soup (Phở Rau Cải)

Please ensure your soup is boiling hot before eating from then-chief!


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#7. Rare Steak and Tripe Noodle Soup (Pho Tai, Sach)

#7. Rare Steak and Tripe Noodle Soup (Pho Tai, Sach)


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#8. Rare Steak and Tendon Noodle Soup (Phở Tái, Gân)


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#13. Well-Done Flank and Tripe Noodle Soup (Phó Chín, Sách)

#13. Well-Done Flank and Tripe Noodle Soup (Phó Chín, Sách)

Please ensure your soup is boiling hot before eating from then-chief!


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#15. Beef and Chicken Noodle Soup (Phó Bò, On)


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#18. Chicken Balls and Beef Balls Noodle Soup (Phớ Bò Viên E Ga Vien)

#18. Chicken Balls and Beef Balls Noodle Soup (Phớ Bò Viên E Ga Vien)

Please ensure your soup is boiling hot before eating from then-chief!

